Introduction: 9.2.0

  • Subclasses inherit public methods from the superclass they extend
    • They cannot access the private instance variables directly
      • You still need to use the public accessor/mutator
    • Subclasses do not inherit constructors from a superclass


  • To initialize a superclass’s private variables, you need to call the superclass constructor
    • use the keyword super() in the firest line of a subclass constructor
    • You pass in all the same parameters as you would calling the constructor normally
  • If a class has no constructor, the compiler will add a no-argument constructor
  • If a subclass never calls the superclass constructor, the compiler will automatically add a super() call
    • This will not work if the superclass doesn’t have a no-argument constructor!!
  • Every parent class has it’s constructor called, down to the constructor for java.lang.Object
    • Every object eventually inherits from Object!

public class Animal {
    private String species;

    public Animal(String species) {
        this.species = species;

    // we need to explicitly include this one because we have a constructor above, so java won't create a no-argument constructor for us
    public Animal() {
        species = "Unknown";
        /* The concept is outside of the scope of this course, but this constructor could have 
         * alternatively been written as:
         * this("Unknown");
         * This would call the first constructor (which takes in an argument), rather than 
         * rewriting everything from scratch.  The strategy of "telescoping" constructors 
         * can be really convenient and prevent unneeded code reuse. */

public class Dog extends Animal {
    private String breed;

    public Dog(String breed) {
        super("Canis Lupis Familiaris");
        this.breed = breed;

public class Cat extends Animal {
    private boolean likesWater;

    public Cat() {
        // because we don't include a superclass constructor, it will be called implicitly here!
        likesWater = false;

Summary: 9.2.2

  • Subclasses don’t have access to private instance variables from their superclass
  • Constructors are not inherited
  • The superclass constructor is called from the first line of the subclass constructor
    • uses the keyword super()
    • Otherwise a no-argument constructor is called implicitly
  • The actual parameters passed into the superclass constructor are used to initalize values in the superclass
  • Superclass constructors are called for all parent classes
    • Down to java.lang.Object