Getting the Number of Rows and Columns: 8.2.2

  • Arrays know their length
    • arrayName.length
array2D.length // rows
array2D[0].length // columns in row 0
// all arrays on the exam are rectangular so this can be assumed to be the same for all

Looping Through a 2D Array: 8.2.3

  • You can know the number of rows and columns in a 2D array
    • Use a nested for loop to traverse all elements
    • The loop will execute number of rows * number of columns times
  • you can write them to traverse rows or columns first
int[][] myArray = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};

// row -> column
for (int row = 0; row < myArray.length; row++) {
    // Though the second statement could be hardcoded to index 0; this makes it more versatile!
    for (int col = 0; col < myArray[row].length; col++) {  

// column -> row
for (int col = 0; col < myArray[0].length; col++) {
    for (int row = 0; row < myArray.length; row++) {

Enhanced For-Each Loop for 2D Arrays: 8.2.5

  • 2D Arrays are just arrays of arrays
    • we can use nested for-each loops on them!
  • We can’t modify values if we’re using for-each
int[][] myArray = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};

for (int[] row : myArray) {
    for (int val : row) {

Summary: 8.2.8

  • We can loop through 2D arrays using nested for or for-each loops
    • The outer loop traverses rows
    • The inner loop traverses columns
    • This can be done in row-major order in this way
      • If we instead traverse columns first; column-major order
  • A 2D Array’s length gives the number of rows
    • The length of a row is the number of columns
  • The type of variable in a for-each loop must be an array for the outer loop
    • It should be the type of the elements for the inner loop
  • All 1D array algorithms apply to 2D arrays
  • When applying sequential/linear search algorithms to 2D arrays, each row must be accessed then sequential/linear search applied to each row of a 2D array