Introduction: 7.5.0

  • The ability to find a value in a list of data is searching
    • The AP Exam covers linear (sequential) search and binary search
  • Sequential search starts at the first element of an array and looks through all items until it finds the item or gets to the end without finding it
  • Binary search checks the middle of the dataset to see if it is greater or less than, and eliminates half of the remaining set per cycle
    • It can only be used on sorted data

Sequential Search: 7.5.1

  • Linear search is the only method which can be used on unsorted data
  • Starts at the first element and walks through the array until it finds the value or gets to the end of the array
    • Returns a -1 to show the value doesn’t exist

// arrays
 * Searches through an array to find a value
 * @param elements the array of strings
 * @param term the term to find
 * @return the index of the value; -1 if the value isn't in the array
public int sequentialSearch(String[] elements, String term) {
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        if (elements[i].equals(term)) return i;
    // we only get here if none of the elements .equal the term
    return -1;

// ArrayLists
 * Searches through a list to find a value
 * @param elements the array of strings
 * @param term the term to find
 * @return the index of the value; -1 if the value isn't in the array
public int sequentialSearch(ArrayList<String> elements, String term) {
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
        if (elements.get(i).equals(term)) return i;
    // we only get here if none of the elements .equal the term
    return -1;

Binary Search: 7.5.2

  • Binary search can only be done on a sorted dataset
  • Keeps dividing the sorted space in half
    • Looks for the value in the middle
      • Eliminates half based on whether the value is greater or less than
  • Loops until the value is found or no values remain

  • the Middle index is left + right / 2
    • Left starts as 0; Right as length - 1

public int binarySearch(int[] elements, int target) {
    int min = 0;
    int max = elements.length - 1;
    while (min <= max) { // while we still have elements to check
        int index = (min + max) / 2;
        if (target < elements[index]) max = index - 1;
        else if (target > elements[index]) min = index + 1;
        else return index;
    return -1;
  • You can use binary search with strings, using .compareTo()
    • int compareTo(String other)
      • returns a negative value if the current string is less than the other string, 0 if they have the same characters in the same order, and a positive value if the current string is greater than the other string.

Runtimes: 7.5.3

  • Runtimes are a measurement of how quickly an algorithm runs
    • Binary search is faster than linear search, but it only works on sorted data
    • We like to think about worst case behavior

Worst case number of comparisons for different algorithms

N Linear Search Binary Search
2 2 comparisons 2 comparisons
4 4 3
8 8 4
16 16 5
100 100 7

Runtimes can be described as mathematical functions. For an array of size n, linear search has a runtime of $ n $ and binary search has a runtime of $ \lfloor \log_2(n) \rfloor $

You don’t need to know the $ \log(n) $ runtime growth for the AP Exam, but you should be able to calculate about how many steps a binary search would take based on how many times you can divide a number in half. You can also start at one and see how many times you double the number before reaching the target.

Summary: 7.5.5

  • There are starndard algorythms for searching
  • Sequential/linear search algorithms check each element until the desired value is found, or each element has been checked
  • binary search algorithms start in the middle of a sorted array
    • eliminates half of the array in each iteration until the value is found or we run out of values
  • Data must be sorted in order to use a binary search
  • informal runtime comparisons can be made using a number of statements executed