Concept Summary: 5.11.1

  • class
    • A type
    • defines what all objects of that class can store and do
  • compiler
    • software that translates source code (.java files) into class files (.class)
      • the Java runtime environment uses class files
  • compile time error
    • An error which is found during compilation
      • syntax errors
  • constructor
    • A method used to initialize fields in a new object
  • field
    • holds data or a property
    • what an object knows/can keep track of
  • Java
    • A programming language
    • You can use this to make computer programs
  • main method
    • where execution starts in a Java program
  • method
    • defines a behavior
    • what an object can do
  • object
    • a computational abstraction which is used for all functionalities in object oriented programming
    • an instance of a class
  • syntax error
    • An error in the specification of the program

Keyword summary: 5.11.2

  • class
    • used to define a new class
  • public
    • a visibility keyword
    • gives access to any other class, even outside the class itself
  • private
    • a visibility keyword
    • restricts access to the class the variable/method is instantiated/defined in