Computer Science in the Modern Age

  • Software and hardware has an increasing effect on people’s lives
  • We follow the ACM professional code of ethics
    • avoid harm
    • respect privacy
  • sometimes programs can have unintended consequences
    • it can be hard to ensure system reliability
    • Software can have legal implications or be used in a way which breaks intellectual property law

Biases in AI

  • AI and Machine Learning pose ethical questions
    • self-driving cars may need to make ethical decisions which lead to a loss of life
    • there is a bias in training data which needs to be addressed


  • programs may have unintended consequences outside of their intended purpose
  • programmers should maximize system reliability
    • across genders, races, backgrounds, etc.
  • programs can have legal and intellectual property concerns
  • programs have an impact on society, economies, and cultures
    • these can be good or bad