Overview: 4.6.0

  • In chapter 4 we learned about loops
    • loops are used to repeat a statement/block

Concept Summary: 4.6.1

  • Body of a Loop
    • The statement or block which follows a loop and is to be repeated. If the body contains multiple statements, it must be enclosed by curly brackets
  • For Loop
    • A loop that has a header with 3 optional parts: initialization, condition, and change.
    • Initialization happens once before the loop ececutes
    • Checks the condition before every iteration
    • Executes the change at the end of every loop
  • Infinite Loop
    • A loop that never ends.
  • Loop
    • A way to repeat one or more statements in a program.
  • Nested Loop
    • One loop inside of another.
  • Out of Bounds error
    • A run-time error that occurs when you try to access past the end of a string or list.
  • Trace Code
    • Writing down the values of the variables and how they change each time the body of the loop executes.
  • While Loop
    • A loop that repeats while a Boolean expression is true.

Keyword Summary: 4.6.2

  • while
    • Begins a while loop
  • for
    • starts a for/for each loop
  • System.out.println(variable)
    • Prints the value of a variable
    • Useful for tracing code execution and debugging

Common Mistakes: 4.6.4

  • Forgetting to change the thing you are testing in a while loop
    • Infinite loop!
  • Getting the start and end conditions wrong for a for loop
    • Results in an out of bounds error
  • Jumping out of a loop too early using a return statement