Introduction: 4.2.0

  • Usually used when you know how many times a loop should execute
    • Often a counter-controlled loop
    • Similar to repeat(n) blocks in other languages

Three Parts of a For Loop: 4.2.1

  • Combines all 3 parts of writing a loop into one line
    • initialize, test, and change the loop control variable
      • 3 parts are seperated by semicolons
      • each part of the declaration are optional
        • the semicolons are not!
for (initialize; test condition; change) {
    loop body;

for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
    System.out.println("i is less than or equal than 10! i="+i);
  • Kind of a shortcut way of writing a while loop

flow for a For loop

  • code initialization area is executed once before the loop begins
  • test condition is checked every iteration
    • loop continues as long as it evaluates true
  • loop control variable change happens at the end of each iteration
  • after the test condition evaluates false, execution continues at the next statement

common design patterns

  • count from 0 and use <
  • count from 1 and use <=
    • Need to include the number to get the expected number of iterations
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

String[] myPets = {
System.out.println("These are all my pets, in the order I got them!");
// counting from 1 makes things easier sometimes
for (int i = 1; i <= myPets.length; i++) {
  System.out.println("#%d: %s".formatted(i, myPets[i-1]));  
  // I don't have to do math to get numbers for the pet; we're already counting from 1

Decrementing loops: 4.2.2

  • Can also count backwards
    • all parts of the loop need to change

String[] myPets = {

System.out.println("These are all my pets, youngest to oldest!");

for (int i=myPets.length-1; i > 0; i--) {

Turtle loops: 4.2.3

  • We can use loops to draw things with a turtle
    • This repeats code automatically instead of manually writing lines again

Summary: 4.2.5

  • 3 parts to a loop header
    • initialization
    • test condition
    • an increment/decrement statement to change the control variable
  • in a for loop, the initialization statement is only executed once
    • the variable being initialized is the loop control variable
  • the increment or decrement statement is executed after the entire loop body
  • A for loop can bw rewritten as a while loop and vice versa