
This is an introduction to Java and CS Awesome’s curriculum. It includes a video discussing the basics of Java & some activities CS Awesome uses to teach.

  • Java is used in many places
    • Used widely in the development of Android apps
      • AppInventor translates it’s code into Java
    • The language used to write Minecraft
    • Used by Netflix
// All programs start with "public class" and a class name
public class MyClass {
    // Class body
    // Classes usually have a "main" method; always looks like that ↓
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Write your code here (this will be executed automatically)

        System.out.print("No newline here!");  // Prints out string literal given
        System.out.println("This one has it though :)"); // Same as print, but this time it ends with a line break

        System.out.println("Welcome to!");
  • All keywords are in lower case
    • public, static, void, etc.
  • Classes are upper case
    • MyClass, System, String
  • Java is case sensitive!!!
    • System != system
      • If you use the wrong one, your code will crash!
  • Spacing doesn’t matter
    • By convention people indent inside of a curly bracket block
      • Helps to keep track of which code is where
  • All statements must be ended with a semicolon!
  • All open curly brackets need a closing curly bracket
    • Same with quotes and parenthesis

1.2.1: My first Java program

  • Every Java program is written as a “class”
    • Java is Object Oriented
      • Learn about that in Unit 2
    • Everything within a program is inside that class
  • Can be a “main method”
    • Starts the program
    • This is what is executed when you ask Java to run a class
public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Put your code here!

A template for a simple Java program with a main method

1.2.2: Print commands

  • Java has two different print commands
    • System.out.println(val)
      • Prints the value followed by a new line
    • System.out.print(val)
      • Prints the value; no new line
  • System.out.println("Hi there!");
    • prints characters between first and last quote
    • "Hi there!" is a string literal
      • Can have any number of characters
  • Most Java keywords are lowercase
    • Class names are uppercase
      • System or String
  • Statements are terminated with a semicolon
    • Used like a period in english

1.2.3: Syntax Errors and Debugging

  • We need to compile (translate) Java source code into class files which the computer can run
  • Syntax errors are reported if your code isn’t properly written
    • A missing semicolon/curly bracket/quote could cause syntax errors
  • Compiler errors will tell you the line number of the error and the type of error
    • Not always easy to understand
    • Sometimes the compiler is wrong about the line number!

How to debug

  1. Describe your problem
    • What did you want your code to do, and what is it actually doing?
  2. Hunt for bugs
    • What code is causing the bug?
  3. Try out solutions
  4. Document your learning
  • Try explaining the bug out loud
    • Can be to a real person
    • Can be to no one
    • Can also be to a rubber duck!
      • (ducks are kind of fun)

My duck collection My debugging ducks :)

1.2.4: Comments

  • In Java, // is used to mark the beginning of a comment
  • /* is used to begin a multi line comment
    • ended with */
  • the compiler will skip over comments
    • They are still useful to document code and make notes about what something is doing
    • I make heavy use of // TODO to keep track of things I noticed but am not going to fix/improve right now
    Programmer: Nathan Jankowski
    Date: 10/2/2021

public class MyClass {
  int max = 10;  // keeps track of max score

An example of commenting

1.2.5: Debugging Challenge

There isn’t much to note with this section, just debug the code to get an expected output.

1.2.6: Summary

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hi there!");

A basic Java program

  • A Java program starts with public class NameOfClass {}
    • Each class has it’s own file
      • Class name needs to match file name
  • the main method is invoked when a Java class is run
    • will always be public static void main(String[] args)
  • System.out.println() and System.out.print() print to stdout
    • System.out.println also adds a line break to the end of the output
  • A string literal is enclosed in double quotes
  • Java statements are ended with a semicolon
  • Curly brackets enclose blocks of code
  • // and /* */ are used for comments
  • A compiler translates source code into a class file which can be run.
    • If the source code is improperly written, the compiler will report the errors as syntax errors
    • Check for curly brackets, parenthesis, quotation marks, and semicolons

1.2.7: AP Practice

Nothing really to note here, just complete the activity.