This is a non-exhaustive list of the projects I have worked on which I am proud enough of to put on the internet.

Appinventor Exif Parser

This is a really basic set of bindings to use the Android ExifInterface library in AppInventor. It doesn’t wrap the entirety of the library, because it exists primarily because there was a point in time where I thought I would use it for my AP Computer Science Principles performance task (I didn’t).


Robotics Explorer

Robotics Explorer is an android app made to view information about First Robotics Competition events such as rankings, and team performance at the event. It was created entirely for my AP Computer Science Principles exam performance task. While it was primarily written in Java, I took the liberty to use a Kotlin data class because it was more convenient.

If you’re wondering about my exam score, I got a 5 :)


The Blue Alliance Helperscripts

This is a small collection of self-contained scripts written in python for pulling data from The Blue Alliance and outputting them in a convenient format for spreadsheets. This is useful for scouting and data collection for FRC events. Leveraging python’s fantastic standard library, they have zero dependencies.
